I've been horrible about updating my blog. I just sort of forget, so here it is my monthly update. Hadley is almost 3, and so much fun! She'll say the funniest things. Like when asked what she's doing "I'm just chillin mom," and I just think where in the world did you come up with that! She loves, loves, loves all her toy animals. She is much more interested in animals than dolls. She calls them her babies, and her stuffed animals are her fellas. Anything that she can put stuff in she'll fill as full as she can with her "babies." Whether it be a purse, bag, shoes, her farmers(barn) they will be full! She also might have a slight case of OCD. As you can tell in the pictures, she has to have things lined up just perfectly. So cute, I love to see her learning and getting older. Well, I don't know about the getting older part so much! Ashlyn is almost 3 months, and is definitely already showing her little personality. She loves to be talked to, just lights up and tries to talk back. She loves to look around, and is finding her hands very interesting. She's getting so big, as you can tell by those chubby little cheeks momma's feeding her milkshakes! So dang cute! As for Jeff and I we're just staying busy and trying to keep up with these two little munchkins!